Serrapeptase Study–Effects on Ankle Joint Swelling

66 patients with ruptured lateral ligaments were treated surgically and then given Aniflazym (serrapeptase) to study it’s effectiveness in reducing post-operative swelling.

In the group receiving the serrapeptase, swelling was down by 50% on the third day post-surgery.  In the control groups, no reduction in swelling was seen.

Since swelling is what causes most of the pain, those patients receiving serrapeptase were pain free quicker than those that did not receive the enzyme.

The researchers concluded that serrapeptase was more effective in reducing post-operative swelling than traditional conservative measures like bed rest, raised legs and the application of ice.



Reduction of postoperative swelling. Objective measurement of swelling of the upper ankle joint in treatment with serrapeptase– a prospective study.

Esch PM, Gerngross H, Fabian A.

Fortschr Med. 1989 Feb 10;107(4):67-8, 71-2. German.

About Andy

I suffered a serious neck injury when I was about 19 years old. That problem didn't affect me until I was in my 40s, but I then suffered two prolapsed discs in my neck and problems with my right arm and hand. Serrapeptase was recommended by my chiropractor to try to break up the scar tissue around the vertebrae that were causing me the problems. It seemed to help me with my problem, so created this site to help inform people what serrapeptase is, what it can do and just as importantly, what it cannot do. I hope you find the information useful.

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